(‘Feel Good’, Trad. American folk song) On Saturday 17th July, we sang at the St John’s Summer Fete in Boxmoor. We finished with what might…
Browsing: Dacorum Community Choir
Monthly news column from Dacorum Community Choir published in the Boxmoor Direct magazine
‘Into each life some rain must fall….’ The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 27.2.1807 – 24.3.1882 On 22nd June, at a cold and overcast outdoor…
“O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” He chortled in his joy.” (Lewis Carroll, 1832 – 1898) It’s not over yet. The vaccine hasn’t defeated the monster, but…
“May was full of promises, but she didn’t keep ’em quick enough for some.” Oscar Hammerstein II From my window I can see a Japanese Maple…
I’m departing from the traditional choir theme this month. I hope to be able to update about our future plans in the May edition. In the…
‘I’ll put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes.’ William Shakespeare So promised Puck and nearly 400 years later Tim Berners-Lee finally achieved it,…
It all began in 2009 when a fresh-faced young musician was finally persuaded to form a community choir at Astley Cooper School in Hemel on the…
‘May you live in interesting times’, so says the ancient Chinese curse and it’s appropriate now to look back on a year few of us have…
‘Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.’ Plato Judi Kelly, our much-loved accompanist, shared her…