Wildlife pond brought back to life
Over recent weeks we have been working hard with our contractor Stillwater Management to refurbish the old Preston Hill pond and at long last we have been able to fill it with water. We thought it would be a good time to share some information about it:
• The pond has been created for wildlife
• Please do not enter or allow your dog into the area
• Water supplied is ground sourced and pumped from our new borehole
• Planting of the marginal areas will start once the site has settled down
• Once the ecosystem is ready to support larger species, it is hoped that newts/frogs and the rare Albino toad will return. The pond has already attracted back dragonflies and damselflies.
Special thanks to Will Atkins of London, Essex and Hertfordshire Amphibian and Reptile Trust (LEHART) and Dave Willis of Herts ARG for the ongoing support & advice for this fantastic project. It would be amiss of us not to thank our volunteer John Sparrow for the time-lapse photography footage, which can be viewed on You Tube – search for: 2023 06 05 Preston Hill Short.
The all-weather path between the Old Barn and Preston Hill is also now complete and ready to use and will take you through the wood and right up to the pond.
Summer Events & Activities:
For further details and to book places please visit the Upcoming Events page on our website.
Rivers Day, Harding’s Moor
Friday 4th August, 11am-3pm
Suitable for families
Photography Session, Gadespring Cressbeds
Wednesday 9th August, 1pm-3pm & 6pm-8pm
Suitable for all
Open Day, Gadespring Cressbeds
Thursday 17th August, 11am-3pm
Suitable for all
Mindfulness in Nature, Westbrook Hay
Sunday 20th August, 10am-12 noon
Adults only
Natural Art, Hay Wood (Westbrook Hay)
Wednesday 23rd August, 11am-12.30pm, 1.30pm-3pm. Suitable for families
Open Evening, Gadespring Cressbeds
Tuesday 29th August, 6pm-9pm
Suitable for all
Moth Trap Morning
Location and date to be confirmed
Suitable for families
Self-led Trails
River exploration: activities along the Bulbourne with temporary signs to interact with.
Wiggly Worm Walk: activities around Sheet-hanger Common with temporary signs to interact with and the chance to win a signed copy of ‘Darwin’s Super-Pooping Worm Spectacular’ by Polly Owen.
Mindfulness at Bovingdon Brickworks:
Mindfulness activities around these old brickworks turned nature reserve.
Donating made easy
As a charitable Trust, we are most grateful to our supporters and beneficiaries who kindly make financial donations towards our work. If you would like to donate then please use the button below. Thanks to everyone who has generously donated so far.
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