A yoga adventure where you choose what happens, written and illustrated by Maria Oliver, Boxmoor Yoga.
Once upon a time, I was teaching a children’s yoga class, and we went on a magical adventure that we made up ourselves…
I love creating yoga adventure stories with children. We might start by saying that we’re on a boat, and we all do boat pose. Then the next child might suggest that there’s a dog in the boat so we all do downward facing dog. There are so many poses relating to animals, natural objects and actions, that it’s easy to make up a yoga adventure if you know how.
It gave me the idea of writing a picture book, with yoga poses, which allowed children to choose what happens next.
In my story, the child is standing on a mountain, when they see something flying towards them. The child chooses who this is and that character asks them for help. The child then chooses where they will fly to, and can even decide when it’s time for the story to end. The story ends with the child solving their new friend’s problem, and a short relaxation session.
There are yoga poses throughout the book and something to find on every page that will help your flying friend.
Since finishing the book, I’ve tried it out on over 100 children in my school yoga classes, and asked friends to try it out with their children. I’ve had fantastic feedback! It fits perfectly into a half hour children’s yoga class and you don’t need to be a trained yoga teacher to use it.
I’ve almost finished a Chair Yoga version, for when children aren’t able to get down onto a yoga mat. Chair Yoga or Seated Yoga is just as fun and beneficial as yoga on a mat. Yoga is for Every Body and I hope that my books inspire children to move as well as spark their imagination.
Maria Oliver is a Boxmoor based yoga teacher, writer and illustrator. Once Upon a Time, You…a Yoga adventure where you choose what happens! Pick up your copy from coffee and wine, St Johns Road, Boxmoor or buy online at Amazon and www.boxmooryoga.co.uk/shop